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S E S S I O N S   E V E R Y   T U E S D A Y
in Kapelle am Urban / Grimmstr. 10 / 10967 / BLN-KZB

20:00 - F / C / K /  Stepping Workout Session (45min)
Gym-Mood /
Focus on Stepping / Beating / Sweating /
- No Stopping - on a 30min fierced recorded Techno-Set

21:00 - F / C / K /  DJ Session (1h) on a 45 min Live DJ-Set
Club-Vibe /
Keep the Stepping / Beating / Sweating / ongoing
Enjoy your freed Dancing*

* F / C / K / is a substance-free Fitness setting turning our Techno-Dancing into a powerful and efficient Cardio-Training, solely triggered by the Techno-Beats.

Come enjoy together your Techno-Experience outside of the Party-Scene
Step Up / Burn Calories / Beat the stress of day Out/
Don't think about it: Just Get Danced /

Support the work of DJ-Artitsts /
Take part of the Techno-Kultur /

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  • Make sure to book your class ONLINE before arriving at the studio, we don’t sell tickets at the studio.

  • Bring your towel and your water, make yourself ready to sweat.

  • For all F / C / K / Sessions:
    ⚠️Training opens for 2 participants minimum⚠️
    Book with a friend, make sure it happens!

    F / C / K / DJ Sessions:
    ⚠️Booking is open until every Tuesday 15:00!⚠️
    ⚠️ For USC and ClassPass members⚠️
    We appreciate an extra donation to help us covering the paid work of the DJ-Artist

Meet you training soon!

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